50 random facts about me

Sunday, July 20, 2014

  1. I'm 23 years old
  2. My birthday is a few days before halloween and I love it
  3. I'm a 90's kid (born in 1990)
  4. Horror movies are my favourite
  5. I also like animations
  6. Tim Burton is my favourite director ever
  7. I love when Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter act together
  8. My favourite colour is violet
  9. I hate red
  10. I only have one tattoo that is done with red because of the fact above
  11. My first tattoo was a swallow and I don't regret it
  12. I'm planning to get a full sleeve done
  13. My parents hate (too many) tattoos although my mum has 3 herself
  14. I'd love to become a tattoo artist myself
  15. Yet I'm too afraid my drawings aren't good enough to be one
  16. I give up easily on things
  17. I have a fairy lights obsession
  18. I wish Tumblr was my real life
  19. I love staying home instead of going out
  20. When I was 15 I got diagnosed with depression
  21. I'm not anymore but I still struggle with the tiniest things
  22. No one knows the chaos in my head is real and it's a mess
  23. I only bought an iphone because my other phone broke and they have cute cases
  24. I've been into photography for about 3 years now
  25. I love candles and especially scented ones
  26. I buy too many clothes that I'll never wear anyways
  27. Same goes for necklaces and earrings
  28. My ears were stretched to 14mm but I let them shrink down to about 5-6mm
  29. I'm planning to get them closed up surgically next year
  30. Zoey Deschanel is always the reason I cut my bangs straight every few months
  31. I'm obsessed with following tv shows: Supernatural, Shameless, New Girl (first seasons), The Big Bang Theory, American Horror Story, ..
  32. My guilty pleasure TV show is and always will be Home And Away
  33. I have an evening routine that consists of scrolling through Instagram and 9gag before actually sleeping
  34. I also have to check my alarm 3 times to make sure it's on and it's set on the right time
  35. I have over 40 pairs of shoes
  36. I get emotionally attached to inanimate objects
  37. Oreos are the best cookies ever in my opinion
  38. I play way too much Sims 3
  39. Over the years I listened to a lot of dubstep but now I'm back to my pop punk me again
  40. My favourite bands are Good Charlotte and Bring Me The Horizon
  41. My woman crush will always be Lana Del Rey
  42. It's hard for me to trust people, it could take up to a year or more before I can let someone in
  43. I could walk around Ikea for hours and still not want to leave
  44. I'm still struggling with getting over him
  45. When I was a teenager I wanted to be straight edge
  46. I'm not anymore. 
  47. I love going for walks in nature
  48. I'll never go for a swim in a public pool
  49. I'm terrified of spiders, snakes and clowns
  50. I still miss my sternum, septum and medusa piercings and might get them back

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