the 90s tag!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

 I rocked that Palm Tree hairstyle so well..

As you may or may not know I'm a real 90s kid, born in 1990, loving the Spice Girls and watching cartoons all day long growing up. So I thought I'd do the 90s tag so you guys get to know the kid me a little bit better.

1. Favourite TV show
 I loved Nickelodeon back in the day and Ketnet (Belgian kids channel) I would watch Samson & Gert (be), Kulderzipken (be), W817 (be), Ed, Edd and Eddy, Cow and Chicken, Catdog, Courage, Hey Arnold, Scooby Do, and so much more!

2. Favourite Toy
 I have to confess I was a real Barbie freak. I had so so many things like a house and different Barbie and Ken dolls and my dad even made me another house out of wood and painted it pink and purple for me to play with.

3. Favourite Commercial 
 It might sound really cliché but I always loved the Coca Cola Christmas commercials I still look forward to it every year.

4. NSync or Backstreet Boys
 With no doubt in my mind; Backstreet Boys.

5. Weirdest Fashion Trend
 I'd have to say the tank top over a t-shirt? I rocked it though. haha!

6. Favourite Collectables 

7. Favourite Beanie Baby 
 I don't think I ever owned one? Did this ever became a trend in Belgium/Europe? *googles it* .. No I don't recall having one of those. I did have a garbage bag full of stuffed animals though.

8. How many Tamagotchi's did you go through?
 Only one I believe.

9. Favourite Game Console + Game
 I hoped and prayed and was a whiny little b to my parents to get me a gameboy colour.. But I never got one. So I played with my (read my brothers/sister) Sega a lot and later on my sister her playstation 1. Game I'd have to say for the Sega the Donald Duck one and playstation.. Crash Bandicoot.

10. Favourite Disney Channel Original Movie
 That's a though one.. I'm going to ask my mum! And the answer isssss; BAMBI
I do remember I loved watching The Nightmare Before Christmas and my mum hated it so so much and couldn't understand why I liked this 'awful' movie at all.

11. Favourite Music Artist
SPICE GIRLS! I had everrrythang :D

12. Favourite Nick Jr. show
I only watched the above mentioned show on Nickelodeon.

13. Favourite Candy
Chupa Chupsssss aaaaand cherries, these silver thingies that I do not now the name of at all, ..

14. Favourite Game (Board game, School game, etc.)
I really liked snakes and ladders, or hide and seek at school, and what's the time mr wolf?

15. Favourite McDonald's Happy Meal Toy
The my little ponies! 

16. Favourite Book
I read the first Harry Potter book when I was younger and Marc de Bels Blinker.

17. Favourite Clothing Store
 Hm I don't really remember where we went when I was little but I had a lot of Disney clothing and Power Rangers pullovers and t-shirts

18. What would you watch when you'd get home from school?
Probably Ketnet.

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1 reacties

  1. Wow as I was reading I was like, jip jip jip almost everything would be the same answer for me. Haha Never new we were so much alike :D
