Tattooed people don't care if you're not tattooed.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I wanted to make a blog post about my tattoos and their meaning (if any), yet I think it's better to make an over all post about them first, what's it like, what not to do etc. I might still do the meanings of my tattoos post in the future but for now this is in my opinion a better intro.

Before getting a tattoo

So since I was a teenager I've been completely obsessed with tattoos so whenever I was bored in the classroom I would draw on my arms and draw 'tattoos' that my idols had (Mainly Good Charlotte because those guys were my heroes back then). I even wanted the GC logo tattooed on my knees at some point but good thing I was way to young to do so.

So when I turned eighteen, and legal of age to get tattooed, I was looking for designs I actually wanted to get done. This may be different for others but in general I believe your first tattoo has the most meaning and will always be the one you remember the most. I was looking through some magazines in some book store and I found this little swallow in pinks and purples and I immediately fell in love and just knew this would be my first tattoo. It took a year for me to find the perfect design, the best artist for this work, and to get a date pinned down to actually get it.

Another thing that's insanely important when you get your first (and others as well) tattoo is to find an artist that is right for your kind of style of tattoo you want. Now bare in mind there are hella loads of artist out there but go for the one you feel most comfortable with. Look them up online, make sure he or she does a great job because drawing is not everything! You can be amazing at drawing something, yet that doesn't mean you can tattoo properly.
Go to the shop, get to know the artist and look through his/hers portfolio and see if the style, the way of tattooing is your cup of tea. If not don't be afraid to say you're not interested.

Never go to a shop just because it's cheap. That's the most terrible thing you can do because you will see it. Your tattoo won't be as awesome as if you would go pay a few hundreds extra. Yes tattoos are expensive, you will need to have a budget for them but they will last you a lifetime. If you do get a crappy tattoo you'll regret it and having to cover it up will cost you a lot more or lasering it away will cost more and hurt more than getting it done properly the first time.
Also don't hesitate just because you have to wait +3months or more to get an appointment, this is a good thing. Most of the time it means the artist has quite some costumers and a fully booked agenda is better then too many walk ins on a daily basis in this world. 

So when you find your perfect artist make sure you explain exactly what you want and were you want it so they can adjust it to the body part you want it on. If he/she is been in the business for quite some time they will be able to give tips and maybe even try to change your mind for the design or the placement just because it wouldn't be as beautiful on for example the foot but it would stand out a lot more on your back etc. It's okay to go against it! Don't worry this is something on your body and they will understand this, you will be able to find a solution between the two of you so you still end up with the perfect tattoo for you.

Now everything else will be explained to you, how to prepare for your visit to actually get tattooed, the payment, the aftercare etc. Don't stress out to much about it. If there's things you don't fully understand just ask them, it's okay that's why they are there.

Pain ratings. I don't believe I'm in the best place to tell about pain because every one experiences pain in a different way. My first tattoo was rather big and on my back. Now I'm only a 50kg skinny as fuck tiny girl with a terrible pain tolerance. So getting a tattoo on my back and neck did hurt for me. The outlines were fine but once the colouring in started I was in so much pain. Bare in mind this is different for everybody. My mum got a back tattoo herself and she didn't feel a thing. Yet she is a bit bigger and has a higher pain tolerance. Now this pain will go away in the next few hours. You might experience some stiffness the day(s) afterwards because you have to hold still for quite some time.

Don'ts towards tattooed people

Please do not ask did it hurt. It does. It might hurt only a little for certain people but it will always be a sensitive thing to get done.

Don't ever ever ever ever ever just touch someone's tattoo. This is so disrespectful. Like you don't like to be randomly touched by strangers do you? So don't do it just because that person has a tattoo. I've been through this before and I get really offended by it especially when strangers do so.

Now, don't you worry about how you will look like when you are older? I'll look fucking awesome thank you very much. Why is it that young people with tattoos gain more respect then elderly persons? They were young once. They got tattooed when they were young. It's a forever and always kind of thing remember.

Don't bitch people out because they have a tattoo. It is and always will be the individuals choice of getting them done. Respect that. No one is telling you you shouldn't dye your hair blonde just because you would look so much better as a brunette? Or they might but would you care? Same goes for tattoos. And certainly don't tell them they're worth less because of it like it's an instant trailer trash kind of thing. 'You'd look so much cuter without all those tattoos' well they're here to stay and it's only your opinion of telling me that I look less cute because of them but I think I look hella cute with them.

Don't stare. That's just rude. Not only towards tattooed people but to anyone with body modifications, coloured hair, certain ways someone dresses etc.

How do you expect to get a job? Well because of working hard, proving yourself like any other person on this planet has to do. Times change, tattoos aren't only for prisoners or pirates any more. If your resume or portfolio looks good enough for that company you'll get hired. Yes I know it's a bit harder in certain kind of jobs like banking but then again if your suit covers all your tattoos it's not a big deal either.

But, like, why?? Because I like it, it's a form of art, I believe it's beautiful, your body is a temple so why not decorate the walls, your body is a canvas, I love body modifications, because me and my mum; friend; brother; etc wanted to get matching tattoos, it has a lot of meaning towards me, I wanted it as a reminder of something, it looked sick, my favourite actor has the same tattoo, I was drunk, it was a challenge, ..
Any reason is good enough as long as you wanted it in that moment.

DO's; You're always kind by complimenting them saying you like them and maybe even ask about the tattoo artist. It's always nice to hear and I personally find it really cool.

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2 reacties

  1. Lovely post. My parents are always hesitant towards piercings and tattoos. My dad has two tattoos himself, but he always says to me that I shouldn't get any because that's only for when you live in the jungle. Weird right? I do understand them a little bit, because it is always scary to see someone change completely and let's face it, the majority of society is against it. So I don't know if it will ever be completely accepted, which is sad. I like tattoos and I have been thinking of getting some myself for over a year, but I'm not quite there yet. My boyfriend is going to get a sleeve in winter, so I guess I'll see how that looks and then make a decision.
    My mom asked me last week if I would take out my piercings if that would be asked of me for a job. I was very irritated because it is so disrespectful because it's saying you look weird and ugly and you have to change to been seen for this job. So I said no, I would never do that because I don't go telling people who have a job to change their clothing or their hair because I don't like it. If you do a good job, you do a good job.
    Anywho, I do hope it will be more accepted in the future and not be such a fuss when you want to get one. It's only skin right? :)

    1. my dad had the exact some thoughts about it. He's a bit older and still thinks tattoos are for gangsters and prisoners. So did my mum. BUT she was more flexible about it I guess because when I got home with my first tattoo (she did know I was going to get it done) yet it was bigger than we all expected it to be.. her first reaction was "Oh my god that's so beautiful". So after that she wanted to get one herself and now at the age of 66 she has 3 of them. My dad still isn't a fan but I believe he understands now that I'm not a different person because of it. It's not something that changes your attitude and behaviour completely like drugs and all so he's at peace with it for the most part. He did say he hoped I'd never get a sleeve done or have my whole body covered in tattoos yet I really do want a sleeve (just one), and I want some other pieces but more hidden (like the one on my stomach isn't finished so it will be bigger eventually) but they don't mind that. except for the sleeve so I'm going to wait a bit longer out of respect for them.

      I was asked to take out my medusa and nose ring for a job once (and I was only in a trial period!) and I said I wouldn't. But then again it was more of a store for stuck up people anyway and I didn't want to work there at all. At my job now no one cares about them I mean at one time I had my septum and medusa and costumers made jokes about my septum piercing but they still found me a lovely girl no matter what. And still I'm the alternative girl there with the tattoos and nose ring and yet all the OLD people love me! haha some might have thought otherwise in the beginning but after a while they got to know me and liked me for me and didn't care about the rest.

      It is only skin and it's only jewellery in your body to make it more how you want it to look like eventually :)
