Surgery diary - day 2

Monday, July 28, 2014

Hi darlings,

Today I went in for my nose surgery. Luckely for me I didn't have to wait all too long at all. Maybe an hour, hour and a half after my arrival at the hospital. The nurses and doctor did a great job explaining to me what was happening at every step they made. 

The doctor who was in charge for the anesthesia asked me what I did to relax and I told her I watch a lot of tv series and had to tell her which ones. After the second one I past out. (Btw I said Supernatural and Shameless)

When I woke up I really felt comfortable and I felt like I just had a great night rest. I finally could breathe also! I know this is only temporary because my nose will close up the next days as my doctor told me it would.

Right now I'm home and I finally ate some spaghetti after being sober since midnight (it's 6.30 in the evening now). My nose is really runny but I'm not in pain at all. It feels like having a cold and feels irritated at most. 

Thank you all for the support so far and because of that here's an embarrassing hospital selfie after I woke up.

I'll see you all tomorrow, much love, Zoƫ xo

*hashtag no make up!*

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